Adansonia-Consulting |
Rural Development, Livelihoods and Conservation
Sustainable management of the natural resources is not only key for the livelihood resilience and adaptive climate change capacity of the rural communities but also for the protection of nature and its biodiversity. We strongly believe in a participative approach based on the principle of self-reliance involving all relevant local key stakeholders from the very beginning of any initiative.
Adansonia-Consulting is active in supporting local communities and authorities in developing countries in the elaboration of mitigation and adaptation strategies towards global environmental change following an integrated disaster risk reduction approach. Adansonia-Consulting is committed to the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases as the origin of climate change. Adansonia-Consulting is offering its expertise a) in general for programme/project evaluations, definition of inclusive approaches, stakeholder/conflict analyses and mapping (conflict-sensitive approach), and trainings, and b) more specifically for the following topics: Rural development and livelihoods
The following consultancies have been carried out:
Copies of the mission reports may be obtained at Publication: Bloesch, U. (1999) Fire as a tool in the management of a savanna / dry forest reserve in Madagascar. Applied Vegetation Science, 2:117-124. pdf Bloesch, U. & Klötzli, F. (2002) The vegetation of the Saadani National Park and possible conservation- and management strategies. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 33. Baldus, R.D. & Siege, L. (Eds.). Wildlife Division / GTZ. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. doc Klötzli, F. & Bloesch, U. (2003) The rich vegetation mosaic of the proposed Saadani National Park. Kakakuona, 31: 56-57. Bloesch, U. & Klötzli, F. (2004) Coastal forests of the Saadani National Park. Conservation values and management strategies. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 37. Baldus, R.D. (Ed.). Wildlife Division / GTZ. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. doc 2 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - Humanitarian Aid 3 United Nations Enviromental Programme 5 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 6 World Wide Fund For Nature 7 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit 9 Association for the Development of Protected Areas 12 Belgian Technical Cooperation 14 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung 15 Clean Power Tanzania Limited 17 United Nations Institute for Training and Research Operational Satellite Applications Programme 18 United Nations Development Programme - Global Environment Facility 19 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas