
Rural Development, Livelihoods and Conservation

Global environmental change driven by interacting factors such as human population growth, consumption, and migration, as well as land use changes, infectious diseases, energy use, pollution, and climate change has a rapidly increasing impact on the ecosystems and the livelihoods of all societies. Issues of human security, resilience and adaptation to global environmental change are becoming of utmost importance. Societies in developing countries are especially vulnerable to these changes since their coping mechanisms are relatively weak.
Sustainable management of the natural resources is not only key for the livelihood resilience and adaptive climate change capacity of the rural communities but also for the protection of nature and its biodiversity. We strongly believe in a participative approach based on the principle of self-reliance involving all relevant local key stakeholders from the very beginning of any initiative.

Adansonia-Consulting is active in supporting local communities and authorities in developing countries in the elaboration of mitigation and adaptation strategies towards global environmental change following an integrated disaster risk reduction approach. Adansonia-Consulting is committed to the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases as the origin of climate change.

Adansonia-Consulting is offering its expertise a) in general for programme/project evaluations, definition of inclusive approaches, stakeholder/conflict analyses and mapping (conflict-sensitive approach), and trainings, and b) more specifically for the following topics:

Rural development and livelihoods
  • Evaluation of the impact of climate change on ecosystems and land use and elaboration of mitigation and adaptation strategies
  • Community-based sustainable natural resources management
  • Livelihood surveys
  • Assessment and marketing of non-wood forest products (NWFP, see also Wild mushrooms)
  • Income generating activities
  • Biodiversity assessment (flora)
  • Biodiversity conservation approaches
  • Vegetation survey and plant taxonomy
  • Ecosystem analyses (dynamics)
  • Impact of fire regime
  • Household energy survey
  • Evaluation of biomass fuel use (charcoal)
  • Rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems (assisted natural regeneration)

The following consultancies have been carried out:

AlgeriaMidterm review of Algeria's cultural parks. Report-En; Rapport-Fr.UNDP-GEF182017
Burkina FasoRapid assessment of the environmental impact of savanna burning in francophone Westafrica (contribution to a rural radio awarenenss programme)SDC51997/2003
Participation in the evaluation of the German country programme in Burkina FasoBMZ142007
Evaluation of the inventory methodology for Assisted Natural RegenerationnewTree2011
Elaboration of technical proposal of sustainable artisanal gold miningCaritas Suisse2022
ChadTechnical backstopping for the elaboration of NWFP market value chainsNIRAS2022/2023
EritreaAssessment of Prosopis juliflora bush encroachmentSDC-HA22001
HaitiEvaluation of the Programme de Préservation et Valorisation de la Biodiversité en haute altitude en Haïti (PVB) implemented by HELVETAS Swiss IntercooperationSDC52012
Madagascar Elaboration of a fire management plan for the Ankarafantsika Reserve ComplexeConservation International1997
Elaboration of a fire management plan for the Andringitra National ParkWWF61997/2000
Kenya/NigerMid-term evaluation of land restoration project (IFAD, EU)ICARDA192019
NepalEvaluation of the SDC Programme Clean Building Technologies including Vertical Shaft Brick Kilns (VSBK)SDC52011
NigeriaEnvironmental assessment of the oil-contaminated OgonilandUNEP32010
RwandaMid-term evaluation of the PAREF forestry projectBTC122010
SwitzerlandAssessment of the impact of the hurricane Matthew on the forest cover (mangroves) in Haiti using remote sensingSDC5/UNOSAT122017
TajikistanOutcome evaluation of the AKAH Disaster Risk Reduction / Natural Resource Management project in KhorogSDC-HA22019
Tanzania Ecological description and possible conservation and management strategies of the Saadani National Park. 1. Mission Report; 2. Mission Report.GTZ72002/03
Preliminary vegetation study of the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor. Biodiversity, conservation values and managementGTZ72006
Feasibility study of oil palm plantation (Elaeis guineensis)CPTL152007
Vegetation survey of Mlele Beekeeping ZoneADAP92018
Vegetation survey of Rungwa and Katavi-Ugalla Corridors and Ipole WMAADAP92020-2024
End of project evaluation Conserving Forests through sustainable forest-based Enterprise Support in Tanzania (sustainable charcoal)SDC52023

Copies of the mission reports may be obtained at

Bloesch, U. (1999) Fire as a tool in the management of a savanna / dry forest reserve in Madagascar. Applied Vegetation Science, 2:117-124. pdf

Bloesch, U. & Klötzli, F. (2002) The vegetation of the Saadani National Park and possible conservation- and management strategies. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 33. Baldus, R.D. & Siege, L. (Eds.). Wildlife Division / GTZ. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. doc

Klötzli, F. & Bloesch, U. (2003) The rich vegetation mosaic of the proposed Saadani National Park. Kakakuona, 31: 56-57.

Bloesch, U. & Klötzli, F. (2004) Coastal forests of the Saadani National Park. Conservation values and management strategies. Tanzania Wildlife Discussion Paper No. 37. Baldus, R.D. (Ed.). Wildlife Division / GTZ. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. doc

2 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - Humanitarian Aid
3 United Nations Enviromental Programme
5 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
6 World Wide Fund For Nature
7 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
9 Association for the Development of Protected Areas
12 Belgian Technical Cooperation
14 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
15 Clean Power Tanzania Limited
17 United Nations Institute for Training and Research Operational Satellite Applications Programme
18 United Nations Development Programme - Global Environment Facility
19 International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas

Last update: 20.06.2024 Visitors: 237921